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  • Bran's Sims

Time is Ticking on to Baby Number 1

Updated: Mar 18, 2019

The heartbreak of trying to get pregnant took us almost 6 months of trying, but we did it. I have been rather busy between trying to get pregnant, working at the diner that opened up on the outskirts of town, building our home for our growing family, and tending the garden. I can never describe in words the ache in my heart when another month would go by without getting pregnant. Akira, my rock let me pour my broken heart out to him every time. When I started working on the diner he would be so tense at the end of the day, worried that I would find a new love. We talked our hearts out to each other, through the hard times. While he still has moments of jealousy, they are getting fewer in occurrence.

My friend Lane came by when I reached the second trimester and we caught up on life over the past few months. She recently married another guy in the town over and was having a hard time getting pregnant too. I knew her ache, as my heart had recently felt it too. We stargazed and talked about plans with our futures, all of our hopes and dreams. She reassured me after she was done with her medical internship she would move back to town to help provide wellness care for our community. I would love for her to be able to head our wellness center, but I fear that won't happen in our lifetime. I kept that thought to myself, seeing as she is already upset by not being able to conceive. What if she never has kids? I could never place that burden on her or children that could possibly never exist.

Right around the time I reached my 3rd trimester we completed the main amenities and structure of our home. It would be good enough to bring our baby into though there were still things to be done. I however, cannot work on the house until after our baby is born. Most of our stuff has been used and rummaged. Akira is pretty handy and knows how to get things working again and repairing some things because they are just too old.

My sweet husband, while he may be handy and really great at many things, is the most impatient fisherman I have ever met. We needed to stock up on fish in the freezer for meals because I wont be up to it for a little while after the baby is born. I am due any time now and while I have loved every minute of this pregnancy I am quite ready to have this baby. I miss being able to breathe.

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