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  • Bran's Sims

The 3 Musketeers

Updated: Mar 18, 2019

For a small space in time Giovanni, Zoey, and Noel were all in grade school. They were all inseparable and often you would find them playing in the backyard. They even promised to be the 3 musketeers forever. While I wanted this age to last forever; I knew time would set its course and life would shape how they led there futures. Each of them have such different personalities.

Speaking of time; I became an adult and my surprise birthday gift was our beautiful finished home. I had completed the hard task of creating 8 perfect plant varieties. I also decided I might revisit my wardrobe and change the style of my hair. I have finally reached the higher levels of my career and have more time off during the week to work on the park with Akira. He has reached a great point where he is satisfied in his position at work and the amount of freelance work he has been getting.

We finally got the garden class design built and I went down to plant the perfect seeds I had stored away. I am excited about this end of the journey and really the feeling is indescribable. To see the community help build up this beautiful park has been a wonderful community experience. Everyone enjoyed coming up with ideas for the park. It Currently has a wedding venue that uses the arch from our wedding. It has a remembrance area. A quiet place that has a beautiful garden with a little pond. This is where Akira and I will finally be laid to rest. My hope is that we will all be here one day. There is an area for toddlers, I find this will be really useful at helping them burn off their endless energy. There is an animal park, as we we encourage animals here, but I think for now people are hesitant as the nearest vet is two towns over. There is an area for the community to have chess competitions and of course bathrooms and a bigger kid playing area. I brought in a few more vendors to help with our little economy.

We always make time for our children, but I must admit, Akira really loves being hands-on when it comes to projects. Says it helps to keep his mind sharp. The time just keeps moving and we are helpless to stop it. We are nearing the first teenage years. I have heard stories from friends with teenagers that this can be a tough time for teens with all of the social pressures they face. Akira and I will face it together, hand-in-hand like everything we do.

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