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  • Bran's Sims

Morningstar to be acting Mayor in Newcrest

That is the current headliner in the Willow Creek gazette. Who is this Morningstar? That would be me, the 20 something blonde beauty from Willow Creek. The apple of my daddy's eye and the sweet little social butterfly of my mum's dreams. (At least that is what they tell me, there was that phase in High school). My name is Lillie and I have just signed up for a very challenging lifelong adventure, that will last for generations to come.

The beginning of all things...starts with the 1,800 simoleons I have left in my pocket to build this town up. What was I thinking? Can I really do this? Why am I doing this? I think I need a pep talk, a drink, a new identity...

I know that there needs to be something more to offer my generation and future generations. Willow Creek was such a beautiful place to grow up, but it is so beyond over populated now that nothing new can begin there, everyone one is established and there is not room in any of their (blue blood aristocratic) minds for change. Oasis Springs is the Badlands, all of the criminal masterminds go there, it is riddled with crime and crime lords that rule over each neighborhood. Plus the land is drier than a sea sponge out of water. Then there is Windenburg home of the party animals, not a place to raise our new generation of sims, well not my future children at least. Then the city of San Myshuno, bustling and a fun place to be a tourist; Not a fun place to try and grow a family in tight living spaces.

When I saw the headlines for the need for a founder in a brand new town, I jumped on it, after all I am motivated and smart enough do it, Yes...I can do this. I am young, I have just finished community college, I know how to live off the land I have some architect history from my family. I was thinking that sims of my generation needed something promising to move to. I was thinking that something new and safe was needed. I certainly am thinking I need to figure out how this will all work. I know that I want to start with a beautiful and multi-functional park. The heart of our town.

I guess that is it for now, I need to go out and get my camping gear with what money I have left and a few container garden boxes, I might be able to find existing edible plants I can try to grow, I want to be able to leave behind some perfect plant varieties in the park.

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