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  • Bran's Sims

I hope it is just a phase

Updated: Mar 18, 2019

Giovanni aged up a while ago, I haven't had a chance to catch up on things as life has thrown us some curve balls. Who new that a well adjusted kid would become a moody and broody teen. He seems angry with us most of the time and feels like he should be able to just grow up. One day though he came up to me and asked for some advice. He had fallen for a vendor Named Nina at the park. He was frustrated because she was much older than him and he was confused about what he should do. "She seemed to like me mom, now she doesn't even respond to my texts." Giovanni stated. I told him, "son while I want nothing but your happiness, you need to leave Nina alone, she will only break your heart, she has commitment issues and doesn't want to be settled down, besides you are too young to be looking for love." Giovanni walked away angry, "you can't tell me not to love who I want, I love her and will be with her, you will see, I can't wait to get away from this family!"

I don't think I have ever been furious until this moment in my life, I sent him to his room to cool down. Akira came to my rescue and made me laugh at how silly the situation really was. "Honey," he said, "We can only do our best to guide, remember how we were at this age, we seemed to know everything and how it would work." I relented and chuckled, "but babe, she is twice his age, and not someone who should be in his life, I mean look he can hardly figure out his wardrobe!" After a few minutes of belly laughing Akira, said, "look, I will take the kids to the lake to teach them to fish, I will try to find a way to talk to him about things, maybe get him to work out this angry phase he is going through." Isn't he just not the best. Ever my hero and love.

Akira made good on his promise and took the kids fishing with a chance to play at the bug ship playground at the park. While Giovanni was receptive to listen to most things and finally worked out what was bothering him he told his dad he would be careful when it came to Nina, and that he would spend more time painting his emotions to help him keep them in check.

At the end of the year we had a great celebration and made many resolutions. Just when we thought we had it made, I found out earlier in the year that the flu was in fact a baby. I was due anytime now and we were nearing Giovanni young adult birthday. I must say that I just was not expecting another baby. I thought we were done. I just hope that we can raise this baby just as well as our older children.

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