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  • Bran's Sims

Giovanni Morningstar a Legacy Story

Dad got us together at my sister Noel's house to discuss with us about our family legacy with mom. While we knew that time was ticking down for him, it seemed to come out of nowhere. We really had done a great job of living in the moment. I could see how tired he had become, he really had slowed down a lot. My sister Zoey took us up on that offer and moved into the 3 bedroom house with her husband and son Ronnie. She was currently expecting their second child any day now. It was great to see everyone together like this. It was certainly sad at the same time.

Mom and dad walked us through the plans for Newcrest and the legacy that they had begun. I had completed the houses for the low income housing but needed to finish my goals to have a big happy family. Noel and dad had finalized his last will and testament and they wanted to go over the obligations that were set in the finalized documents.

Then dad got down to the serious conversation, he had only days he assumed left and we needed to decide if mom would move Lindsey and her in with Noel or just move Lindsey in with Noel since they were pretty close. Mom decided that Lindsey should move in with Noel and she would stay and help out with our kids she planned to retire after she became an elder.

She began a flood of tears because she was not ready to lose the love of her life to age. All the memories and stories and life they shared together. Dad lovingly held her in his arms and reassured her that this was only the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. He would be waiting for her arrival and be reunited again in the afterlife. They spent the rest of the evening and well into the morning looking at the stars together.

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