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  • Bran's Sims

A Time for New Things

Our youngest Lindsey has always been extraordinarily gifted when it comes to sensing things that were about to happen. She just always knew things and one day while she was talking to Akira she mentioned that Giovanni would find his true love. She also talked about learning more of the occult and mystical things in life. She would become an herbologist and learn natural medicine and healing arts. Akira had a way with our children and we are both close with all 4 children, but his bond with them is unlike anything I have seen in my life. They adore their daddy beyond measure. I think in many ways this increases the foreboding ache in my heart knowing soon it will be the end.

After work Giovanni spent a lot of time getting to know the townsfolk in the park. Before long he found the one, the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. She comes from very rich upbringing and can be a bit mean at times. As a whole she is a really wonderful girl who wants to raise a family and be apart of the growth in the community. I think having everything handed to her growing up created a bit of that mean streak. I know my Giovanni can bring out the sweet girl inside.

Zoey has lingered a bit at home these days, she is on a college break and came bearing some exciting news! We were going to be grandparents. She met a sweet guy in college and they were engaged. She felt embarrassed to be pregnant before marriage and felt like she messed things up. Akira hugged his baby girl and reassured her that all babies are a blessing and they come whether we are ready for them or not. (I think he was referring to Lindsey). We both gave her hugs and congratulated her on the upcoming arrival. She was just going to elope and finish up with her community college degree. Giovanni chirped up and said that they had built a perfect home for her to consider when she was ready. It was a cute 3 bedroom home at a very reasonable price. She said as soon as they got everything squared away with school and found jobs they would take him up on his offer.

How exciting I am going to be a grandma, a grams, a Mimi, hmm I guess whatever the little darlings would call me.

It also seems that there will be more than one ceremony, Giovanni just asked Aicha to marry him and he said yes! I might have overhear the whole thing. "Aicha, I know that you come from a very rich family and I really will never be able to give you a life of luxury, but I can give you a life of love and happiness....." before he could continue Aicha excitedly screamed "YES!" Well it would seem her heart was not planted in the material world and has often come to my gardening classes and signed up for volunteering, which makes her uncomfortable sometimes, but she keeps trying. Truly Aicha is trying to outgrow that mean-streak and that makes my heart happy for my Giovanni.

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